Genealogy Books for Northeast Georgia

Clarke County Books

Clarke County Books
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Clarke County (Athens), Georgia, Newspaper Abstracts, 1808-1820.
Includes classified and legal notices, some marriages and death, tax defaulters lists, letters remaining in the post office, etc. Primary counties included in the book: Clarke, Jackson, Oglethorpe, Madison and Franklin. Newspapers abstracted: Georgia Express (Aug 1808 - Aug 1813) and the Athens Gazette (Feb 1814 - Oct 1820.
8-1/2 x 11", 393 + vi pages, hardbound - $30.00.
Clarke County (Athens), Georgia, Newspaper Abstracts, 1826-1829, Vol. 2
Continuation of abstracts for Athens, GA, newspapers. Includes many miscellaneous articles with genealogical content. Primary counties included in the book: Clarke, Jackson, Oglethorpe, Madison, Franklin, Habersham, Hall, Walton and Gwinnett.
8-1/2 x 11", 391 + vii pages, hardbound - $30.00.
Clarke County, Georgia, Marriage Records, 1803-1909
Co-authors: Faye Stone Poss and Ted O. Brooke. This book includes 9,275 marriages recorded in Marriage Books A through L and unrecorded original licenses. Exhibits of various marriage licenses. Arranged alphabetically by grooms and also by brides.
6 x 9", 480 + xii pages, hardbound - $35.00.
The Southern Watchman, Athens, Georgia,
Civil War Home Front Coverage, 1861-1865
This publication furnishes abstracts during the Civil War era of happenings and news on the home front. Many rosters of soldiers in various companies are included from counties in northeast Georgia, and also lists of casualties that were posted in the newspaper. Letters from soldiers in camps or on the battlefields give much insight as to actual conditions during the Civil War. Legal notices are listed in a separate section and include notices from Clarke, Franklin, Gwinnett, Habersham, Hall, Jackson, Madison, Oglethorpe, Rabun, Walton and White counties.
This is an excellent book for both historians and genealogists, or others who want to learn more about the Civil War.
Two indexes: full personal name index and a subject/place index. Includes abbreviations list and photos of some of Georgia's heroes.
8-1/2 x 11", 586 + xiv, or 600 pages, hardbound - $42.00.