Early Jefferson County, Georgia, Newspaper Abstracts 1799-1811
Jefferson County was created from Burke and Warren counties on 20 Feb 1796, with Louisville
being the county seat, and also Georgia’s 3rd capitol from 1796 until 1807. The Louisville Gazette was Louisville’s
first newspaper. Abstracts contained in this book are legal notices, sheriff’s sales, some marriages and deaths, land
defaulters lists, and miscellaneous articles. The settlers mentioned were mostly from the counties of Washington, Jefferson,
Warren, Hancock, Burke, and a few from Tattnall and Jackson. As very little is available in early records for these counties,
the Louisville newspaper was of particular value from a genealogical and historical standpoint. Hardbound, 8½" x 11", 353 + xi pages, with
a Personal Name Index and a Subject/Place Index. $35.