Hancock County, GA, Early Newspaper
Abstracts "Farmer's Gazette"
1803-1804, 1806-1807
from this weekly newspaper (one of the earliest in Georgia) based out of Sparta, include sales of property, notices regarding
administration of estates, deaths and marriages, letters remaining in the post office, sheriff's sales, tax collector's sales,
etc. Includes a full-name index, a subject/place index, and a slave (master) index.
6 x 9",
181 + x pages, hardbound - $24.00
Hancock County, GA, Supplement
to Early Newspaper Abstracts
"Farmer's Gazette" 1803-1806
After the first volume was written, shown above, 79 additional issues of the "Farmer's Gazette" were discovered
at Harvard University. These issues were then abstracted and filled in many gaps for this time frame. No articles were repeated.
Ond index which includes full personal names, subjects, places, and slave names.
x 9", 263 + xii pages, hardbound - $28.00.
Hancock County, GA, Newspaper
Abstracts, Hancock Advertiser,
from this weekly newspaper, based in Mount Zion, included sales of property, notices regarding administration of estates,
deaths and marriages, letters remaining in the post office, sheriff's sales, tax collector's sales, etc. Full personal name
index, subject/place index, and a slave (master) index.
x 11", 300 + ix pages, hardbound - $28.00.