To Cure Corns. Apply morning and evening one drop of solution of per chloride of iron. (Jackson Herald, Jefferson, GA, Friday,
April 7, 1882, Vol. II, No. 7)
To Cure Warts. Cut a slice from a raw
potato and rub the hand each night; let the water dry on the hand. It will need but few applications. (Jackson Herald, Jefferson,
GA, Friday, April 7, 1882, Vol. II, No. 7)
Swelled Neck. Wash the part with brine, and drink it also twice a day until cured. (Jackson Herald, Jefferson, GA, Friday, April 7,
1882, Vol. II, No. 7)
To Cure Colic. For the violent internal agony termed colic, take a teaspoonful of salt in a pint of cold water; drink it and go to
bed. It is one of the speediest remedies known. The same will revive a person who seems almost dead from a heavy fall.
(Jackson Herald, Jefferson, GA, Friday, April 7, 1882, Vol. II, No. 7)
Sticking Plaster.
An excellent sticking plaster for fresh cuts or cracked hands is made of three pounds of rosin, a quarter of a pound of beeswax,
a quarter of a pound of mutton tallow. When well melted and dissolved together, remove from the fire and keep stirring till
it is about as cool as it will pour; then add one tablespoonful of spirits of turpentine; then pour the whole into a pail
of cold water, and when cool enough take it out and work it as a shoemaker does his wax. When sufficiently worked, roll it
out in small sticks. This is equal to any plaster ever bought. Keep the hands greased, to prevent it sticking to them while
working it. (Jackson Herald, Jefferson, GA, Friday, April 7, 1882, Vol. II, No. 7)
Prevention of Disease. A man can do his own business the best. Hence, it is safer to prevent disease by a proper care of ourselves,
living temperately in all respects, using plain and simple food, than to pay doctors’ bills. Especially it is easier
to prevent the dyspepsia than to cure it, at least, cases of long standing. Medicine will effect little so long as we eat
the richest and most indigestible food; eat at all hours, particularly at bedtime, or eat as if “on a wager,”
consuming the meal by the aid of hot drinks in the shortest possible time. Dyspepsia is a certificate of wrong and gross eating,
ordinarily, or of too much mental effort robbing the stomach. Dr. Hanaford. (Jackson Herald, Jefferson, GA, Friday,
April 7, 1882, Vol. II, No. 7)
Bone Felon. A Never failing remedy for a felon is, take a
tablespoonful of black pepper, a tablespoon of vinegar and the yolk of an egg: simmer together and bind on. Renew twice
a day. (The Forest News, Jefferson, GA, February 17, 1877, Vol. II, No. 36)
Bruises. The membrane, or inner
skin of the common hen’s egg, if applied to a contusion or bruise, will in a few hours restore the bruised part to a
healthy state; effectually preventing the extravasation [sic] of blood, which would otherwise remain unsightly for a long
time. The skin will adhere like court plaster if applied immediately after the egg is emptied. (The Missionary, Mount Zion,
GA. Monday, December 17, 1821.)
Charcoal. Charcoal, laid flat while cold on a burn, causes
the pain to abate immediately; by leaving it on for an hour the burn seems almost healed when the burn is superficial.
And charcoal is valuable for many other purposes. Tainted meat, surrounded with it, is sweetened; strewn over heaps
of decomposing pelts, or over dead animals, it prevents any unpleasant odor. Foul water is purified by it. It
is a great disinfectant, and sweetens offensive air if placed in shallow trays around apartments. It is so very porous
in its “minute interior,” it absorbs and condenses gases most rapidly. One cubic inch of fresh charcoal
will absorb nearly 100 inches of gaseous ammonia. Charcoal forms an unrivaled poultice for malignant wounds and sores,
often corroding away the dead flesh, reducing it to one-quarter in six hours. In cases of which we call proud flesh
it is invaluable. I have seen mortification arrested by it. It gives no disagreeable odor, corrodes no metal,
hurts no texture, injures no color, is a simple and safe sweetener and disinfectant . . . Charcoal absorbs a hundred times
its weight of gas or wind in the stomach or bowels, and in this way it purifies the breath. It often relieves constipation,
pain or heartburn. (The Forest News, Jefferson, GA, Friday, June 18, 1880, Vol. VI, No. 2.)
Cure for Colds. To
make candied lemon or peppermint for colds, boil one and one half pounds of sugar in a half pint of water till it begins to
candy round the sides; put in 8 drops of essence; pour it upon buttered paper, and cut it with a knife. (Jackson
Herald, Jefferson, Ga., January 13, 1882, Vol. I, No. 47)
Hot Lemonade for a Cold. A hot lemonade
is one of the best remedies for a cold. It acts promptly and efficiently, and has no unpleasant after-effect.
One lemon should be properly squeezed, cut in slices, put with sugar and cover with half pint of boiling water. Drink just
before going to bed, and do not expose yourself the following day. This remedy will ward off every attack of chills and fever
if used promptly. (The Forest News, Jefferson, Ga., December 2, 1876, Vol. II, No. 26.)
A Cross Baby. Nothing
is so conducive to a man’s remaining a bachelor as stopping for one night at the house of a married friend and being
kept awake for 5 or 6 hours by the crying of a baby. All cross and crying babies need only Hop Bitters to make the well
and smiling. Young man, remember this. Ed. (The Forest News, Jefferson, Ga., March 5, 1880, Vol. V, No. 39)
for Bone Felon.
A lady of Jackson county, who has tried it very successfully and satisfactorily,
sends us the following recipe, as a cure for bone felon: One tablespoon whisky; lump of blue-stone size of a partridge egg;
lump of alum same size; white of one egg. Beat all up together; divide in three parts, and apply as a common poultice;
keep on three hours, then renew; three applications thought to be sufficient. (The Forest News, Jefferson, GA, July 15, 1876,
Vol. II, No. 6)
Cure for Corns.
Take a lemon and roll it until it is soft; cut a thick slice and bind it on
the corn on retired at night. In the morning, if the corn is white and disintegrated, pull it out with finger nails
– never cut a corn. Some times several applications of the lemon slices will be necessary, but the corns are bound
to succumb, and you can dance the next night if you like. After you remove the corn, wear shoes that fit and are not
too stiff in the soles. (The Forest News, Jefferson, GA, September 30, 1876, Vol. II, No. 17)
Diptheria. A
physician in Philadelphia write to the Scientific American that he has had remarkable success in curing diptheria, by the
use of permanganate of potash, in conjunction, not combination, with the tincure of belladonna. He administers them
as follows: Two or three grains of the permanganate are dissolved in from two to four ounces of water in a goblet. Five
drops of the officinal tincture of belladonna, or better, from 10 to 20 drops of the 1st decimal homeopathic tincture of the
same drug, are put into another goblet with 2 to 4 ounces of water. A teaspoonful is to be taken from each glass alternately
at intervals of a half or one hour. Separate spoons are to be used and goblets kept covered. In 24 hours usually,
and always in two days, a favorable change will be seen in the patient, according to the writer, and he urges upon the medical
profession the use and study of these remedies. (The Forest News, Jefferson, GA, June 17, 1876, Vol. II, No. 2)
Cure for
Ear Ache. Take ten drops of sweet oil and five drops of laudanum, and mix them together, and make the mixture
milk warm and pour it into the ear, and if the ear is not easier in 15 minutes, repeat the dose, and it will complete the
cure. I have been affected in one of my ears all of my life, more especially during the war. In 1865 I applied
this remedy, and have not been troubled with ear ache since, and my hearing is much better than before. A short time afterwards
I had a child suffering from it and I applied the same remedy to it, and on the second trial it gave relief and the child
has never been troubled since with ear ache. (The Forest News, Jefferson, GA, October 5, 1878, Vol. IV, No. 17)
Liverwort. This elegant little plant is one of the earliest visitors in the Spring. It is perennial, and
grows in the rich words of many parts of this country. It is called by botanists, Herba Trinitatis ... This medicine
seems to be under an abundant evidence of its very high virtue in consumption, heamoptysis and many other chronic diseases
... Gilbert & Brown. Mount Zion, April 27, 1828. (Hancock Advertiser, Mount Zion, GA, April 28, 1828)
for Hydrophobia.
An aged German, of the town of Hurley, having heard that there were a number
of cases of people and animals being bitten by dogs, gives the following recipe, which he has used and seen used for the past
40 years, and which he says has saved several men and a great number of animals from a horrible death by hydrophobia: The
bite must be bathed as soon as possible in warm vinegar and water, and when this has dried a few drops of muriatic acid poured
upon the wound will destroy the poison of the saliva, and relieve the patient of all danger. (The Forest News, Jefferson,
GA, September 21, 1878, Vol. IV, No. 15)
Insect Stings. How to Treat Insect Stings.
The pain caused by the sting of a plant or insect is the result of a certain amount of acid poison injected into the blood.
The first thing to be done is to press the tube of a small key firmly on the wound, moving the key from side to side to facilliate
[sic] the expulsion of the sting and its accompanying poison. The sting, if left in the wound, should be carefully extracted,
otherwise it will greatly increase the local irritation. The poison of stings being acid, common sense points to the
alkalies as the proper means of cure. Among the most easily procured remedies may be mentioned, soft soap, liquor of
ammonia (spirits of hartshorn), smelling salts, washing soda, quick-lime made into a past with water, lime water, the juice
of an onion, tobacco juice, chewed tobacco, bruised dock leaves, tomato ash, and carbonate of soda.
If the sting be severe, rest and coolness should be added to the other remedies, more especially in the case of nervous subjects.
Nothing is so apt to make the poison active as heat, and nothing favors its activity less than cold . . . If the swelling
be severe, the part may be rubbed with sweet oil, or a drop or two of laudanum . . . (The Forest News, Jefferson, GA, February
10, 1877, Vol. II, No. 35)
Stings and Bites. Carbonate of soda, wet and applied
externally to the bite of a spider, or any venomous creature, will neutralize the poisonous effect almost instantly.
It acts like a charm in the case of a snake bite. (The Forest News, Jefferson, GA, Friday, August 22, 1879, Vol. V,
No. 11)
Use of Tobacco. Gentlemen.
I observed in your paper some days ago, a notice that a person had discovered a cure for the use of Tobacco. I have
suffered under a pulmonary complain two years and a half; about the first of July last I was very feeble, when a friend advised
me to use Slippery Elm Bark, as a substitute for Tobacco; observing that I would swallow the juice or spittle, which would
be of benefit to the lungs. I immediately commenced using it; and, what has been very surprising to me, from that day
to this, I never had the least desire for Tobacco, although I had used it for upwards of 25 years. I cannot use it now
if I would: it is perfectly nauseous to me ... Respectfully, J. B. (Hancock Advertiser, Mount Zion, GA, Oct. 9, 1827)
Extract Poison from Wound. Valuable Receipt [sic] for extracting poison from the wound
of a Rusty Nail. Take a Bean, after splitting it, apply one half (flat side) to the wound, bind it on, let it remain till
it comes off itself, and the poison will be extracted, and the wound healed. Experience. Our correspondent speaks only
of the property of the Dry Bean. We are informed that in its green state also, the bean possesses valuable qualities; by rubbing
it upon the common wart, the juice will more certainly and speedily eradicate it than any process and witchcraft ever practiced.
(The Missionary, Mount Zion, GA. Monday, December 17, 1821.)
Jelly. This is one of the most nourishing
preparations of rice, particularly for valetudinarians or convelescents. It is thus made – Boil a quarter of a
pound of rice flour, with half a pound of loaf sugar in a quart of water, till the whole becomes one glutinous mass; then
strain off the jelly and let is stand to cool. A little of this salubrious food eaten at a time will be found very beneficial
to those of a weakly and infirm constitution. (Hancock Advertiser, Mount Zion, GA, Oct. 30, 1827)
Tainted Meat . We hear from
different quarters, that a large quantity of meat put up this winter has become tainted, from the unusual warmth of the season.
This meat should not be thrown away, as it can be restored to its original sweetness; first by packing it away in recently
prepared charcoal, two or three days, then washing and hanging it in the sun a few hours, and giving it a slight sprinkling
of salt. Secondly, by washing the whole surface, by means of a sponge, or piece of clean rag, with the pyroligneous
acid. This acid can be obtained from the druggists. As the first mode is the cheapest, and most convenient to
the farmers, it will generally be preferred. (Hancock Advertiser, Mount Zion, GA, March 17, 1828.)
Tooth Powder. The
following is a recipe for making a cheap and incomparably excellent dentifrice, which not only makes the teeth white, but
also gives strength to the gum and an agreeable sweetness to the breath. Take half an ounce of gum myrrh, one ounce
of chalk, and one ounce of charcoal. The ingredients much be finely pulverized, the finer the better, when it is fit
for immediate use; and we will merely add, that of all preparations for cleaning the teeth we ever used, this is the best.
(Hancock Advertiser, Mount Zion, GA, August 18, 1828.)
Prescription. It is asserted, that very strong Coffee, mixed with
an equal quantity of lime juice, and making together about half a pint, if taken just before an ague is expected, will effectually
prevent its appearing. The success of this remedy is said to have been frequently tested. (Hancock Advertiser,
Mount Zion, GA, August 18, 1828.)
Cure for the Hooping Cough. Dissolve a scruple of salt
of Tartar in a gill of water: add ten grains of Chohineal finely powdered: sweeten this with fine sugar. Give to an
infant the fourth part of a table spoonful four time a day: and from 4, upwards, a spoonful may be taken. The relief
is immediate, and the cure in general effected within 5 or 6 days. (Monitor, Washington, GA, Saturday, May 17, 1806
- Vol. VI, No. 274)
Kerosene a Cure for Snake Bites. The Aberdeen (Miss.) Examiner says that kerosene oil is an effective antidote for the bite of a snake,
when applied externally. It says the little child of C. M. Jones was bitten by a high-land moccasin and perfect relief
and cure was obtained by application of this oil. It further says that a valuable dog was bitten by a ‘cotton
mouth,’ and was in a drying condition when the first external application of the oil was made and obtained instant relief
and was up and running about in two or three hours. (The Forest News, Jefferson, GA, June 17, 1876, Vol. II, No. 2)
Golden Rod. A shrub which grows abundantly in the vicinity of Augusta, is found
by late experiments, to be a most speedy and effectual remedy for the lax [having loose bowels] – the leaves are to
be boiled in water . . . a gill to be taken three or four times a day. (Monitor, Washington, GA, Saturday, May
24, 1806 - Vol. VI, No. 275)