Sandy Creek Presbyterian Church Minutes - 1832 to 1906 (a/k/a Bethesda/Bethsaida
Church), Jackson County, Georgia Abstracted and copyrighted by Faye
S. Poss
The Minutes of Hopewell Presbytery on October 2, 1797 stated, “A
petition was presented from Bethsaida in Jackson county praying for supplies.” From this state, it can be determined
that Bethesda (or Bethsaida) Church probably commenced in 1797. According to Historical Sketches, Presbyterian Churches
and Early Settlers In Northeast Georgia, compiled by Jessie Julia Mize and Virginia Louise Newton in 1960, Rev. John Newton,
a minister of apostolical zeal, organized Bethsaida (now Sandy Creek) church (as well as other churches) during an evangelistic
tour in 1796, the year before he died of fever.
The only minutes available for the church started in 1832, as indicated
on the cover of the church minute book (see below). Also, the minutes indicate the church name had changed to Sandy
Creek by April 16, 1853, as minutes of that date state “A statistical report of Sandy Creek Church . . .“
The Sandy Creek Presbyterian Church was dissolved in 1910.
There appears to be two minute books for the church, with
the first being from May 27, 1832 through Sept. 14, 1867. The second book starts on September 14, 1867 and ends on August
27, 1906. A copy of the minutes is located at the Jackson County Historical Society, c/o the Commerce Library in Commerce,
The spelling has been mostly retained as originally written; however, punctuation has been added for clarification
purposes to the following interpretation of the minutes.
Minutes of the Session of Bethesda Church in Jackson County Commenced in 1832 In
This Book There being no original Records of said Church
27 May Session met. Opened by Prayer. Received into full communion by Examination on a profession of
their faith James Smith, Alfred Smith, and William Lankford and at the same time William Lankford was Baptized. Session
closed by prayer. Robt. McCalpin, Mod’r. 24 Jun Baptized the Infant of Samuel R. Henderson and Dilla
his wife called. Robt. McAlpin. 25 Aug Session met. Opened by prayer. Received into full communion
by Examination on a profession of there faith James Adair, Robert Adair and Nancy Creighton. Session closed by prayers.
Robt. McAlpin, Mod’r.
1833 13 Oct Session met. Opened by prayer. Received Joseph Adair into
full communion by Examination on a profession of his faith. Session closed by prayer. Robt. McAlpin, Mod’r. 27
Oct Session met. Opened by prayer. Received James M. Smith into full communion by Examination on a profession
of his faith. Session closed by prayer. Robt. McAlpin Mod’r. 23 Nov Session met. Opened by
prayer. Received into full commission by Examination Jane Adair and Juda a Negro woman the property of James Smith on
a profession of there faith and at the same time the Negro woman was Baptized. Session closed by prayer. Robt.
McAlpin, Mod’r.
1834 5 Apr Hopewell Presbytery, Milledgeville. Examined and approved thus far.
Nathan Hoyt, Mod. 27 Jul Session opened by prayer. Received into full communion by Examination on a profession of
his faith, William Matthews, Jun. Session closed by prayer. Robt. McAlpin, Mod.
1835 22 Apr Session
opened by prayer. Received by letter Mr. Jas. W. McCleskey and Lucretia his wife and at the same time were baptized,
Mary A. E. infant of David G. Gibson and Eunice his wife, Jas. G. infant of Jno. Moore, Mary J. infant of Jno. and Elizabeth
Creighton. Session closed by prayer. Sam’l P. Pressley, Mod. May Session opened by prayer.
Received by letter Mr. David G. Gibson. Session closed by prayer. Sam’l P. Pressley, Mod. 15 Sep Session
opened by prayer. Received by letter Mrs. Mary A. Adair. Suspended Juda a Negro woman. Session closed
by prayer. Samuel P. Pressley, Mod.
1836 23 Apr Baptized James W. Adair infant of John Adair and Mary his
wife. Also Sarah B. infant of Jno. Moore and Elner E. infant of James King. Saml. P. Pressley, Mod.
Aug Baptized infant [of] David J. [&] Unicy Gibson. Baptized infant of Mrs. Eliza Tillman a widow. Dec
Baptized infant [of] John & Mary Ann Adair. Baptized Joseph A. Ewing infant of Leander and Jennett Ewing.
1838 24
Aug Session met. Opened with prayer. Received into communion by examination on a profession of her faith Anna
Creighton. Session closed by prayer. A. Church, Mod’r.
1840 23 May Session met. Opened by
prayer. Received into full communion by examination and profession of her faith Elizaann Hardy. Session closed
by prayer. A. Church, Mod. Baptized three infants of Elizaann Hardy. 23 May Baptized the infants of John Moore
and James King 25 Sep Baptized the infant of Rusel Parkes called Mariah Elizabeth Approved in Presbytery May 1st 1841
John W. Battis(?), Mod’r.
1842 23 Jan A collection for foren mishions [foreign missions] received $7.45.
Baptized the infant of William M. Boggs and Louisa M. his wife called Zenus Leander members of the church at Athens.
Mr. and Mrs. Boggs had a child Baptized the 25 of May 1839 called Milton Alonzo whitch was omited in the propper places.
A. Church. 28 Mar Session met opened by Prayer. Received into full communion by Examination on a profession
of her faith. Emily Smith allso Received by letter. Shubael Tenney, Mary Ann Tenney and Louisa C. Ligon. Session
closed by prayer. A. Church, Moder. 28 Mar Baptised the infants of John Moore caled John Tomas and of John
F. Adair & Mary Ann his wife called Elizer Everline Scott and of Robert Espy and Elizer his wife called James Alonzo and
of James M. Smith and Emily his wife called Charles Stovall, the infant of James King called Lucinda Tabitha. A. Church. 21
May Session met. Opened by prayer. Received into full communion by Examiner and a profession of his faith
John Matthews and at the same time Received by letter and examination Martha Adair. Session closed by prayer.
A. Church, Mod. 21 May Shubel Tenney and James M. Smith was elected to the office of ruling elders. 24 Jul
Baptized the infant of Shubel Tenney and Mary Ann his wife called Eugine Ligon. A. Church. 27 Nov James M.
Smith was ordained to the office of Ruling Elder. 27 Nov Session met. Opened by prayer. Received into
full communion by Examination on a profession of their faith Virginia N. King and Mary Mathews. Session closed by prayer.
A. Church, D.D. Mod.
1843 26 Feb Session met. Opened by prayer. Received into full communion by
examination on a profession of her faith Martha Carson. Session closed by prayer. A. Church, Mod. 26 Mar A
collection take up for commissions fund and domestic misions received $9.30. Approved. Geo. H. W. Patsie(?), Mod. 27
May Baptized the infants of Rusel Park called Hanner Aderline & Sarah Emerline and of James M. Smith, & Emily his
wife called Albert Church. 26 Nov Baptized the infant of Joseph Harda (Hardy) and Eliza Ann Harda (Hardy) his wife called
Jane. A Church
1844 24 Mar A collection taken up for the Education society. Rec. $8.36¼. Session
met. Opened by prayer. Preasant A. Church Moderator. William Mathews, Thomas Johnson and John Creighton Elders.
Dismissed by letter James M. Smith Ruling Elder and Emily Smith. Judy a colored woman to join Riply Church Tipper County
Mississippi. 24 Mar Session closed with prare. Alfred Smith, Cleark. 12 Apr Approved in Presbytery.
John W. Reid Moderator. 25 Mar Rec by letter Calvin J. Espy, Joseph W. Hardy, Dovey E. Espy, Sarah M. Park, Rebecca
Moore, Jane Mathews and Martha Mathews. Dismissed Shubet Fenny ruling elder and Mary Ann his wife and Miss Louisa C.
Ligon to join the Memphis Presbyterian Church. Alfred Smith, Ck. 26 May Baptized by A. Church a infant of James
King and Virginia his wife called Mary Jane. Also an infant of Robert Espy and Eleanor E. his wife called Martha Jane.
Alfred Smith, Ck. 17 Aug Dismissed Jane J. McCord by letter to join the Alcova Presbyterian Church 22 Sep
Rec’d by letter Miss Mary Ann Kerlin, Miss Rachel Creighton and Mr. Charles Holland Hardy. Alfred Smith, Ck. 26
Oct Dismissed Miss Elizabeth Potts to join the Cabin Creek Baptist Church. Session met. Opened by prayer.
Preasant A. Church Moderator, Wm. Mathews, John Creighton and Thomas Johnson, Elders. 26 Oct Received into full communion
by letter Mr. Joseph Alexander and Lucinda his wife. 27 Oct Received into full communion by Examination on a profession
of faithe Mrs. Elisa Jane Yearby. Session closed by prayer. Alfred Smith, Ck. 24 Nov A collection taken
up for forern Mishions. Rec $7.70. Baptized by A. Church the children of Joseph and Lucinda Alexander called John
James and Samuel Linton and Nancy Jane. Also the children of Mr. John Alexander, Emily his wife called Priscilla Jane,
Louisa Ann. Alfred Smith, Ck.
1845 26 Jan Dismissed Mrs. Nancy Lamarster to join the Thebiry Presberterian
Church. Alfred Smith, Ck. 23 Feb Rec by letter from the Riply Presbyterian Church, Mississippi, James M. Smith,
ruling Elder and Emily his wife and a culered woman Judy. A. Smith, Ck. 23 Mar A collection taking up for domestic
Mission and commishions fundes. Rec $9.50. James M. Smith appointed to attend Presbytery as Principel and Thomas Johnson
and William Mathews alternate. Alfred Smith, Ck. 18 Apr Approved in Presbytery. A. Church, Ck. 17
Apr Baptized by A. Church the infant of Joseph W. Hardy and Eliza Ann his wife called John Newton. A. Smith, Ck. 24
May Baptized by the Rev. H. C. Carter infant of Russel Park and Sarah M. his wife called James Alonzo. H. C. Carter,
Mod. Alfred Smith, Ck. 16 Aug Dismissed Mrs. Jane Bastick [Bostick] to join the Clarkville Presbyterian Church.
A. Smith, Ck. Session met at Thyatira Camp ground opened by prayer. Preasant Wm. Mathews, Thomas Johnson, John Creighton
and James M. Smith. H. C. Carter Moderator. Rec. in full communion by Examination on a profession of their faith
Elizabeth E. Espy, Sarah C. Espy, Sarah Ann Hardy,. Session closed by prayer. H. C. Carter, Mod. A. Smith,
Ck. 24 Aug Baptized by A. Church infant of John and Emily Alexander his wife caled Sarah Elizabeth. A. Smith,
C.S. 25 Oct Baptized by A. Church infants of James M. and Emily Smith caled Elizabeth Mallory. A. Smith, C.S.
1846 16
Aug Session met at Thyatira Camp ground opened by prayer. Rec’d in to full communion by examination on a
profeshion of their faith Miss Susan Hardy, Miss Mary Creighton, Miss Martha Creighton, Mr. Josiah Johnson and Wm. Baxter,
Mrs. Nancy Johnson and was Baptized. Also Matilda a servant of John Creighton. Session closed by prayer.
H. C. Carter, Mod. Alfred Smith, C.S. [Clerk of Sermon] 30 Aug Baptized by H. C. Carter infant of James and
Virginia N. King caled James Kar. Alfred Smith, C.S. 26 Sep Miss Jane Langford has left this church without
a dismission and joined the Baptist Church Re. William M. Boggs and Louisa M. Boggs his wife by letter from Athens Church. An
Election was held for Ruling Elders and William M. Boggs and Joseph Alexander was elected. Alfred Smith, C.S. 25
Oct Session met opened by prayer. Present H. C. Carter Mod., William Mathews, Thomas Johnson, John Creighton and
James M. Smith, Elders. Rev. in full communion by 25 Oct Examination on a profession of faith Hiram Creighton.
Session appointed James M. Smith principel and William M. Boggs to attend synod. William M. Boggs and Joseph Alexander
were ordained ruling Elders. Session closed by prayer. H. C. Carter, Mod., Alfred Smith, C.S.
1847 Mar
Mr. William Langford a member of this church, departed this life, aged [blank]. 23 May Session met opened by prayer.
Preasant H. C. Carter, Mod., Wm. Mathews, John Creighton, Thomas Johnson, James M. Smith, Joseph Alexander, Wm. M. Boggs.
Rec’d in full communion by letter Mrs. Jane B. Willirford. Session closed by prayer, Alfred Smith, C.S. 26
Jun Dismiss Mrs. Mary Niblick by letter to join the Talladaga Presbyterian Church. A. Smith, C.S. 24 Jul
Session met opened by prayer. Preasant H. C. Carter, Mod., John Creighton, James M. Smith, William M. Boggs and Joseph
Alexander, Elders. Received into full communion by Examination on a profession of there faith Mrs. Elizabeth J. Adams and
Miss Harriet Adams was Baptized. Session closed by prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S. 26 Jul Mr. Isaac Matthews
a member of this church departed this life aged 86 years. 14 Aug Session met at Thyatira camp ground opened by prayer.
Preasant H. C. Carter, Mod., William Matthews, James M. Smith, William M. Boggs and Joseph Alexander, Elders. Received
in full communion by examination on a profession of there faith. Lewis J. Sharp, Jane Creighton, Georgiaann C. Boggs,
Jane Maddox 14 Aug And Lewis J. Sharp was Baptised Session closed by prayer. Alfred Smith, C. S. 9 Oct
Mrs. Susana Hardy a member of this church departed this life. 23 Oct Baptized by H. C. Carter infant of Russel and
Sarah M. Park caled Frances Mettisha. 18 Nov A collection for education. Rec. $6.
1848 25 Mar
Baptized by H. C. Carter infant of Joseph W. and Elizabeth Ann Hardy his wife called Thomas Hancock. 26 Mar A collection
for commissioners bond and domestick mishon (domestic mission) Rec. $8.90. Alfred Smith, C.S. 13 Apr Approved
in Pres’y [Presbytery]. Richard Hooker, Mod. 22 Apr Baptized by H. C. Carter infant of James M. Smith
and Emily his wife called Junnus William. Alfred Smith, C.S. 23 Jul Baptized by H. C. Carter infant of Alfred
Smith caled Robert McAlpin. Alfred Smith C. S. 19 Aug Session met at Thyatira camp ground opened by prayer
preasant H. C. Carter, Mod., William Mathews, John Creighton, James M. Smith, William M. Boggs and Joseph Alexander, Elders. 19
Aug Receive in full communion on a profession of there faith Washington Ivy, William J. King and Miss Nancy Jane Alexander.
Session closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S. 24 Sep Receive by letter Mr. Samuel Tenny and Miss Sarah Margret
Tenny his wife. Baptized infant of Mr. Samuel Tenny and Sarah M. his wife caled Emma Margret. H. C. Carter, Mod.
Alfred Smith C.S.
1849 27 Jan Dismissed James M. Smith by letter and Emily his wife and culared woman Judy
to join the church in Athens. Alfred Smith, C.S. 13 Apr Approved in Presbytery Macon. E. R. Rogers, Moderator. 28
May Receive by letter Miss Louisa Mathews 23 Dec Receive in full communion on a profession of his faith Jerry
a colored man of Mr. Hancock. Session closed with prayer. H. C. Carter, Mod. A. Smith, C.S.
1850 24
Mar Baptized infant of James King and Vergina N. his wife caled Martha Caroline and also infant of Joseph M. Hardy and
Elizabeth Ann his wife called Joseph. A collection commissioners and Domestick Mishion Rec. $5.50. H. C. Carter.
Alfred Smith, C.S. 26 May Dismissed Mrs. Elisa Jane Yearby to join the Athens church. Alfred Smith, C.S. 22
Jun Session met opened with prayer. Preasant H. C. Carter, Mod., Thomas Johnson, John Creighton, Wm. M. Boggs
and Joseph Alexander, Elders. Receive in full communion on a profeshion of there faith Charles Smith and Elizabeth Smith. Session
closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S. H. C. Carter, Mod. 25 Aug Baptized by H. C. Carter infant of Alfred
Smith caled Sarah Elizabeth. Alfred Smith, C.S. 9 Nov Baptized by H. Carter infant of Russel J. Park and Sarah
M. Park his wife caled Amanda Jane. Alfred Smith C.S.
1851 26 Jan Dismiss Mr. James W. McCle[s]key and Lucretia
his wife by letter to join the Thyatira Presbyterian Church. 23 Mar Dismiss Mrs. Louisa Lane by letter to join the Milledgeville
Presbyterian Church. Alfred Smith, C.S. 18 Apr Approved in Presbytery April 18, 1851 – with the exception
that the names of members present at one meeting of session were not recorded. N. Hoyt Moderator. 26 Apr Receive
by letter Miss Martha Mathews. A. Smith, C.S. 16 Aug Session met at Thyatira Camp ground opened by prayer.
Preasant Henry Newton, Mod., John Creighton and William M. Boggs, Elders. Receive in full communion by examination on
a profeshion of their faith Miss Caroline R. Mathews and Miss Ann Hardy. Session closed with Prayer. Alfred Smith,
1852 __ Mar A collection taken up for domestic mission. Rec’d $7.72. Alfred Smith C.S. 30
Apr Approved in Presbytery at Greensboro April 30th, 1852. John W. Baker, Mod. 23 May Baptized by Henry Newton infant
of James King and Virginia N. his wife caled Newberry. Alfred Smith, C.S. 15 Aug Baptized by H. Hoyt infant of William
M. Boggs and Louisa M. his wife caled Claudius Victoria. Also infant of Alfred Smith caled Nancy Angeline. Alfred
Smith, C.S. 23 Oct Session met opened with prayer. Preasant Henry Newton, Mod., William Mathews, John Creighton,
William M. Boggs and Joseph Alexander, Elders. Receive in full communion by examination on a profeshion of his faith
Mr. Cephas W. Mathews and he was Baptized. Session closed with prayer.
1853 26 Mar Session met opened with prayer.
Preasant Henry Newton, Mod., William Mathews, John Creighton, Thomas Johnson, William M. Boggs and Joseph Alexander, Elders.
Receive in full communion by examination on a profeshion of her faith Mrs. Mary Katharine Smith and she was Baptized.
Session closed with prayer. H. Newton. Alfred Smith, C.S. 16 Apr A statistical report of Sandy Creek Church.
Number of white communicants 55 Since received on profession 2
Do. Do. by letter 0 Adults Baptized
2 Infants Baptized 3 Number suspended
0 Number died 0 Coloured communications
2 Do. Do. since received 0 Total communicants
59 Alfred Smith, S.C. Approved, Athens, Ga. John W. Reid, 20 Apr 1853
22 May
Baptized infant of Samuel Tenny, Sarah M. his wife, by Henry Newton caled James Mark. Alfred Smith, C.S. 23 Jul Session
met opened with prayer. Preasant Henry Newton, Mod., William Mathews, John Creighton and Thomas Johnson, Elders.
Received in full communion by examination on a profeshion of her faith Miss Abrilla Moore. Session closed with prayer.
Alfred Smith, C.S. 21 Aug Baptized infant of Russel Park and Sarah M. his wife by Henry Newton caled Martha Ellen.
Alfred Smith, C.S. 27 Nov Session met opened with prayer. Preasant Henry Newton, Mod., William Mathews, John Creighton,
Joseph Alexander and William M. Boggs, Elders. Received in full communion by examination on a profeshion of his faith
Mr. Zenos L. Boggs. Session closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S.
1854 25 Apr Session met opened with
prayer. Preasant Henry Newton Mod., William Mathews, John Creighton, William M. Boggs and Joseph Alexander, Elders. Received
in full communion by examination on a profession of her faith Silvy a culerd woman of Mrs. Diana Sanders, and she was Baptized.
A collection for Domestic Mishions Received $9.43. Session closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S. H. Newton,
28 May Session met opened with prayer. Preasant Henry Newton, Mod., William Mathews, John Creighton, William
M. Boogs (Boggs) and Joseph Alexander, Elders. Restored Judy a culerd woman of Mr. Pittman. Baptized Infant of Joseph
W. Hardy and Elizabeth Ann his wife by Henry Newton caled Barbary Indiana. Session closed with prayer. Alfred
Smith, C. S. H. Newton, Mod.
24 Dec Baptized Infant of Alfred Smith and Mary K. his wife caled James Charles
by Henry Newton. Alfred Smith, C. S.
1855 29 Feb Mr. Thomas Johnson an Elder of this church departed this
life. Alfred Smith, C.S.
25 Mar Dismissed Mr. Joseph W. Hardy and Elizaann his wife and Miss Susen and M. Ann
Hardy to join the Thyatira Church. A. Smith, C.S.
20 Jul Mr. William Mathews a member and Elder of this church
departed this life July 18th 1855 aged ninety two years three months and eight day. Alfred Smith, C.S.
1856 26
Apr An Election for Elders was held. Mr. Samuel Tenny and Lewis J. Sharp and Alfred Smith was Elected. Alfred
Smith, C.S.
27 Apr A Collection for Domestic mishions collected seven dollars. Alfred Smith, C.S.
26 Sep
Session met opened with prayer. Preasant Henry Newton, Mod., John Creighton, Joseph Alexander, Elders. Received
in full communion by examination on a profeshion of hur faith Miss Mary Evaline Moore. Session closed with prayer.
Alfred Smith, C.S. H. Newton, Mod.
28 Dec Lewis J. Sharp and Samuel Tenny was ordained Elders. Alfred Smith.
& approved by Presbytery at its Meeting in Madison April 1857. W.(?) S. Breck.
1857 28 Jun Baptized infant
of Alfred Smith and Mary K. his wife by Henry Newton caled Alfred Letcher. Alfred Smith, C. S.
1858 27 Nov
Session met opened with prayer. Preasant Henry Newton, Mod., John Creighton, Wm. M. Boggs, Samuel Tenny and Lewis J.
Sharp Elders. Received in full communion by examination on a profesion of his faith Mr. Jeremiah M. Park and he was
Baptized. Session closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S. H. Newton, Mod.
1859 26 Mar Session met
opened with prayer. Presant Henry Newton, Mod., John Creighton, and Samuel Tenny, Elders. Received in full communion
by examination on a profeshion of hur faith Miss Emma Margaret Tenny. Alfred Smith, C.S. Henry Newton, Mod.
Mar Session met present as yesterday with William Boggs. Received in full communion by examination on a profeshion of
his faith Bud a culerd man the property Mr. Bennet Strickland and he was Baptized. Session closed with prayer.
Alfred Smith, C.S. Henry Newton, Mod.
21 May Session met opened with prayer. Preasant Henry Newton Mod.
John Creighton, Joseph Alexander, Wm. M. Boggs, Samuel Tenny and Lewis J. Sharp, Elders. Dismissed Mrs. Rachel Willis
to join the New Lebanon Presbyterian Church. Session closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, C. S. Henry Newton,
25 Jun Session met opened with prayer. Preasant Henry Newton Mod., John Creighton, Samuel Tenny and Lewis
J. Sharp, Elders. Dismissed Mr. Calvin J. Espy to join the Atlanta Church. Session closed with prayer. Henry
Newton, Mod. Alfred Smith, C. S.
23 Jul Baptized infant by Henry Newton of Alfred Smith and Mary K. his wife
caled William Reid. Alfred Smith, C.S.
24 Jul Baptized by Henry Newton infant of James W. Adair called Mary Ida.
Alfred Smith, C. S.
1860 (no date) Departed this life Mrs. Eleanor King. Rev. Mr. Newton’s Labers as Pastor
of this church closed with the past year. Rev. A. Church, D.D. was called to supply the desk one Sabbath in the month
and commenced his labors on the 4th Sabbath in January.
25 Mar Session opened with prayer. Preasant A. Church,
D.D. Mod. John Creighton, Samuel Tenny, William M. Boggs and Lewis J. Sharp, Elders. Apointed Joseph Alexander principal
and Samuel Tenny alternate delegate to presbytery. Session closed with prayer. Alfred Smith C.S.
30 Mar
Session met. Opened with prayer, a full session. Pressent, viz. John Creighton, Wm. M. Boggs, Joseph Alexander,
L. J. Sharp, Sam’l Tenny & Alfred Smith. A collection taken up for commissioners fund & Oglethorpe College,
each paying $2 - $12 in all, five of which for comm. fund & seven for Oglethorpe College. Bro. Alexander declined
attending Presbytery in consequence of ill health. A letter was received from Rev. H. Newton, concerning his last years
salery which was duly attended too.
23 Jun (Saturday) Rev. Dr. Church preached to a small congregation.
24 Jun
(Sunday) Dr. Church preached to a large congregation and took up a collection for the releif of the French Canadian Colony
in northern Illinois, amounting to $15.55.
22 Jul Session met opened by prayer. Preasant A. Church, Mod., John
Creighton, William M. Boggs, Joseph Alexander and Samuel Tenny, Elders. Dismissed Elizabeth E. Espy and Sarah C. Espy
to join the Thyatira Presbyterian Church. Session closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S.
4 Aug (Sunday)
Session met, after being opened with prayer. Miss Mary Elizabeth Boggs presented herself for admission, and being examined
was admitted to full communion on profession of her faith. Closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S. A. Church,
1861 24 Mar Session met opened by prayer. Preasant A. Church Mod., John Creighton, William M. Boggs,
Joseph Alexander, Samuel Tenny and Lewis J. Sharp, Elders. Samuel Tenny principel and William M. Boggs alternate delegates
to presbyterity, a collection for Oglethorp Coledge member of session $2 each in all $12. Session closed by prayer.
Alfred Smith, C.S.
4 Apr Approved in Presbytery at Eatonton. April 5th 1861.
1 Oct Dismissed Elizabeth
J. Adams and Harriet Adams to join Thyatira Church. Alfred Smith, C.S.
26 Oct Session met opened by prayer.
Preasant John W. Read, Mod., John Creighton, Wm. M. Boggs, Lewis J. Sharp, Joseph Alexander, and Samuel Tenny, Elders. Restored
Jane Mathews. Baptized by John W. Read, infant of Alfred Smith and Mary K. his wife caled Martha Evaleter. Session
closed by Prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S.
1862 14 Aug Session met opened by prayer. Preasant Henry Safford,
Mod., John Creighton, Wm. M. Boggs, Joseph Alexander, Elders. Received by examination Robert a colod man the property
Haden J. David. Wm. M. Boggs, principal and John Creighton, Alternate delegate to Presbytery. Session closed by
prayer. A. Smith, C.S.
26 Oct Session met opened by Prayer. Preasant John W. Read, Mod., John Creighton,
Samuel Tenny, Wm. M. Boggs and Lewis J. Sharp, Elders. Joseph Alexander principel and Lewis J. Sharp, alternate delagate
to Synod. Session closed by Prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S.
30 Nov Session met opened by Prayer. Preasant
F. W. Simpson, Mod., John Creighton, Wm. Boggs, Joseph Alexander, Samuel Tenny and L. J. Sharp, Elders. Received by
examination on a profeshion of there faith the following name culerd person Abram, Ritter, Caroline the servants of Milton
Mathews. Martha the slave of Thomas Broocks and Cicero Jay a free person of culler and they were all Baptized and Robert
was Baptized. Session closed by prayer. A. Smith, C.S.
1863 4 Mar Sabbath. Session met and opened
with prayer by brother Creighton Moderator. Present Wm. Boggs, L. J. Sharp, S. Tenny. Voted that S. Tenny represent
this church in the next Presbytery to meet in Washington. A. Smith, Clerk. 3 Apr Examined & approved Washington,
April 3rd, 1863. R. A. Houston, Mod. Presbytery.
19 Jul Session met opened by prayer. Preasant John Creighton,
Samuel Tenny, L. J. Sharp, Wm. M. Boggs, and Joseph Alexander, Elders. John Creighton, Elder Mod. Received by
examination on a profeshion of their faith Floyd a servent B. W. Cash and Harriet servant of Thomas Broocks and Received by
letter Ellen a servent of John Creighton. Session closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S.
16 Aug Session
met opened by prayer. Preasant John Creighton, S. Tenny, L. J. Sharp, Wm. M. Boggs, Joseph Alexander, Elders, John Creighton,
Elder Mod. Received by examination on a profeshion of there faith Violet a servant of A. B. Pittman and Clary a servant
of John D. Barnett. Session closed by prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S.
19 Dec Session met opened by prayer.
Preasant John Creighton, Samuel Tenny and Lewis J. Sharp, Elders, William H. Adams, Mod. Received by examination on
a profeshion of faith Frederick a servant of John Creighton. Session took reset till Sabboth morning. All preasant
with Joseph Alexander Elder. Rec. by examination on a profesion of faith Selena a servant of Joseph Alexander and they
was Baptized. Session closed by prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S.
1864 20 Feb Session met opened by prayer.
Preasant William H. Adams, Mod., John Creighton, Wm. M. Boggs, Joseph Alexander and Lewis J. Sharp, Elders. Received by examination
on their profeshion of faith Mary Jane Adair and Melissa Ann Newton Adair. Session closed by prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S. 8
Mar Departed this life Samuel Tenny Elder of this Church. 19 Mar Session met opened by prayer. Preasant William H. Adams,
Mod., John Creighton, Wm. M. Boggs, Joseph Alexander and Lewis J. Sharp, Elders. William M. Boggs principel, L. J. Sharp alternate
delegate to Presbytery. Session closed by prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S. 20 Mar A collection for domestic Mishions, Rec. $34.55
+ $4.45 = $40.00. Alfred Smith, C.S. 1 Apr Examined & approved, A. D. Montgomery, Modr., Sparta, GA, April 1st, 1864. 17
Apr Baptized by Wm. H. Adams infant of Alfred Smith and Mary H. his wife caled Mary Diana. A. Smith, C.S.
1865 Dec
Dismissed by letter Mrs. Margret Tenny and Miss Emma Margret Tenny, to join a Presbyterian Church in Mississeppy and Mahew
a culored man to join the Presbyterian at Lilburn(?).
1866 25 Mar Session met opened by prayer. Preasant Wm. Boggs,
J. Alexander, L. J. Sharp, J. Creighton, Elders. J. Creighton moderator. L. J. Sharp principal, Wm. M. Boggs alternate delegates
to Presbytery. Session closed by prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S. 20 Apr Approved by Presbytery, Athens, April 20, 1866. David
Wills, Mod. 23 Sep The session met & was opened by prayer. Rev. T. P. Cleveland Moderator. Elders present L. J. Sharp
& Wm. M. Boggs from Sandy Creek, & John Kirkpatrick from Athens Church. John M. Bostick presented himself for examination
& was received by Session on a profession of faith. Having been received publicly he was baptized. Session closed by prayer.
A. Smith, Clerk C.S. 22 Dec On December 22nd 1866, Alonzo Church Smith, son of Mr. Alfred & Mrs. Mary C. Smith was
baptized. A. Smith, Clerk C.S. 22 Dec Session met & was opened with prayer. Rev. T. P. Cleveland, Mod. Elders present
Wm. M. Boggs, L. J. Sharp & J. Alexander. The session having learned that Josiah Johnson a member of Sandy Creek Church
had on several times used profane language, cited him to appear & answer the charges brought against him. No other
business, Session closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, Clerk C.S. On the same day & at the same meeting of Session Decr.
22nd, 1866, Mrs. Diana Sanders was received by a letter of dismission from New Lebanon Church. Alfred Smith, C.S.
Creek Church now mourns the loss of John Creighton a most efficient and beloved Elder who dec’d July 7th, 1866, being
79 years of age. “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord!”
1867 27 Jan Session met & was opened
with prayer. Rev. T. P. Cleveland Mod. Elders present J. Alexander, Wm. M. Boggs & L. J. Sharp. Josiah Johnson appeared
on first citation & after being examined answered to the charges & having confessed his sin & making fair promises
for the future & showing a penitent disposition was retained. The session having decided that he be admonished for
his offence it was duly administered. Session closed with prayer. A. Smith, Clerk C.S. 24 Mar Session met & was opened
with prayer. Present T. P. Cleveland Moderator. Elders L. J. Sharp, Wm. M. Boggs, & Joseph Alexander. Wm. M. Boggs
was appointed delegate to attend meeting of Presbytery at Washington Mch. 27th. It was proposed by J. Alexander that another
Elder be elected. The motion having been seconded, it was agreed upon by session, & the 4th Sunday of April be the day
for the elections. No other business, the session closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S. 27 Mar Mrs. Mary Johnson dec’d
today March 24th 1867 at the advanced age of 87 years. She had been a member of the Pres. Church over 60 years and went to
her grave as a “shock of corn in full season.” 24 Aug Today, Alfred Smith was ordained as an Elder in this
church. Rev. T. P. Cleveland, Pastor. 14 Sep Approved by Hopewell Presbytery at its Session in Madison Sept. 14th 1867.
R. A. Houston, Mod.
[Roster of Church Members for 1832 - 1867]
Names of Male Members:
John King - Deceased
June 22, 1840 James King John Robertson - Dismissed Eusebius McCleskey - Dismissed Russle Park John Redling
- Removed George Redling - Removed John Moore William Mathews - Dec’d July 18, 1855 John Creighton Phineas
Mathews - Dismissed Jan. 1834 William Lankford - died March 3, 1847 James Smith - Deceased 25 Sept 1839 Alfred Smith James
M. Smith - Dismissed by letter Mar. 24, 1844 Joseph A. Adair - Removed John F. Adair - Dismissed by letter Feb. 1843 Thomas
Johnson Samuel R. Henderson - dec’d Dec. 12, 1834 Moses Potts - removed Isaac Mathews - Deceased July the 26th,
1847 Joseph M. Adair - Deceased William M. Adair - Dismissed by letter Dec. 28, 1840 William Matthews, Jun. - dismissed
by letter 8 Jan. 1837 James Adair Robt. J. Adair - Dismissed March 27, 1836 Jas. W. McCleskey
- Dismissed Jan. 25, 1851 David G. Gibson - dismissed Joseph A. Adair - returned without taking a dismission Shubael
Tenny - Dismissed by letter May the 25, 1844 John Matthews Calvin J. Espy Joseph W. Hardy Charles Holland Hardy
- Deceased 1846 Joseph Alexander James M. Smith - Dismissed by letter Josiah Johnson William M. Boggs Hiram
Creighton Lewis J. Sharp Washington Ivy William J. King Samuel Tenny
Names of Female Members:
King Eleanor E. King Margret Barnett - Removed Sarah Robertson - Dismissed Lida Robertson - Dismissed Susanna
Hardy - Deceased Oct. the 9th 1847 Sarah Williamson - Removed - Returned w/o taking a dismission Hannah
Park - deceased Elizabeth Redling - deceased Sarah Moore - Died April 1834 Rebecca McCord - Removed Rachel Mathews
- Died August 1834 Elizabeth Creighton Elizabeth Mathews - Dismissed Jan. 1834 Rebecca Swann Esther Lankford -
Deceased Jane Lankford - withdrew Sep. 1846 Elizabeth Crawford - Removed Diana Smith Martha Smith - Dismissed
by Letter Elizabeth Adair Sarah Adair - Deceased June the 4, 1842 Mary Johnson Dilla Henderson - Deceased Unicia
Potts Elizabeth Potts - Dismissed by letter Oct. 26, 1844 Isabella Taylor - Removed Jane Adair - Dismissed by letter
Aug. 17, 1845(?) Juda (Negro woman) - dismissed by letter Unicia Gathrite - dismissed Nancy Creighton - Dismissed
by letter Jan. 16, 1845 Lucretia McCleskey Mary A. Adair - Dismissed by letter Feb. 1845 Mrs. Harris Elizabeth
Harris Anna Creighton Elizaann Hardy Emily Smith - Dismissed by letter March 24, 1844 Mary Ann Tenney - Dismissed
by letter Mary 25th, 1844 Louisa C. Ligon - Dismissed by letter May 25, 1844 Martha Adair - Dismissed by letter Virginia
N. King Mary Matthews - Dismissed by letter June the 26th, 1847 Martha Carson Martha Mathews Jane
Mathews - Dismissed Aug. 16, 1845 Rebecca Moore Sarah M. Park Dovy E. Espy Mary Ann Kerlin Rachel Creighton Lucinda
Alexnder Elisa Jane Yearby - Dismissed by letter Emily Smith - Dismissed by letter Juda (Negro woman) - Dismissed
by letter Elizabeth E. Espy Sarah C. Espy Sarah Ann Hardy Susan Hardy Mary Creighton Martha Creighton Nancy
Johnson Matilda a servant Louisa M. Boggs Jane B. Williford Elizabeth J. Adams Harriet Adams Jane Creighton Georgiaann
C. Boggs Jane Maddox Nancy Jane Alexander Sarah Margret Tenny Louisa Mathews - Dismissed by letter Mary Elizabeth
[Note: The second volume of the Sandy Creek Presbyterian Church minutes starts below.]
1867 14
Sep The Sessional Records were examined & approved by Presbytery Sept. 14th 1867 . . . 24 Nov Session met & was
opened by prayer, T. P. Cleveland Moderator. Elders present, L. J. Sharp, J. Alexander. Alfred Smith, & Wm. M. Boggs. Attention
was called to a report that Josiah Johnson had been using profane language again. Accordingly, a committee composed of J.
Alexander & Wm. M. Boggs was appointed to visit him & converse with him on the subject. Session closed with prayer.
T. P. Cleveland, Mod. Alfred Smith, C.S.
1868 26 Jan Session met & was opened with prayer by T. P. Cleveland,
Mod. Elders present . . . A report being in general circulation that Wm. M. Boggs & his wife had separated, a committee
composed of J. Alexander, L. J. Sharp & Alfred Smith was appointed to visit them & converse with them upon the matter.
Session closed with prayer. T. P. Cleveland, Mod. Alfred Smith, C. of S. 23 Feb Session met & was opened with prayer
by the moderator, Rev. T. P. Cleveland. Elders present, J. Alexander, L. J. Sharp, Alfred Smith. The committee appointed
to see Josiah Johnson reported unfavorably. The committee appointed to visit Mr. & Mrs. Boggs, reported their failure
to see the parties, & as they had since removed out of the bounds of this church . . . . moved that the case be dropped
which was done by consent of Session. The moderator also stated to the Session that he had seen Mr. Boggs & had talked
with him privately on the matter & felt hopeful that although an alienation had occurred unexpectedly to him: that nothing
further of a serious nature would occur, as both parties were penitent & desired a reconciliation. T. P. Cleveland, Mod.
Alfred Smith, C.S. 24 May Session met & was opened with prayer by Rev. T. P. Cleveland who was requested to act as
moderator. Elders present, L. J. Sharp, J. Alexander & Alfred Smith. As the Pastoral relation between Sandy Creek Church
& Rev. T. P. Cleveland had been dissolved during last session of Augusta Presbytery, the Session requested Rev. T. P.
Cleveland to supply the pulpit the remainder of the year if the way was clear, which he consented to do on that condition.
Session closed with closing prayer. T. P. Cleveland, Mod. Alfred Smith, C.S. 31 May Rev’d Henry Newton preached in
the church & declared the pulpit vacant, by order of Augusta Presbytery. 21 Nov Session met & was opened with prayer
by Rev. T. P. Cleveland who was requested to act as Moderator. Elders present were Alfred Smith, J. Alexander & L. J.
Sharp. The Session not being satisfied with the report of committee appointed to wait upon Josiah Johnson. Cited him to appear
before Session, as follows – To Josiah Johnson. You are hereby cited to appear before the Session of Sandy Creek
Church at their Session Room on Sat. before the 2nd Sunday in Dec. 1868, it being the 12th day of the month to answer to the
following charge. To wit – Common rumor, charges Josiah Johnson with unchristian conduct. To wit – That on
or about the 1st of August 1867, at or near the residence of Reuben Johnson, he was guilty of using profane language. And
it is furthermore charged that the said Josiah Johnson has been guilty of like unchristian conduct, on several occasions previous
to the one above specified . . . By order & in the name of Session. Witness: Reuben Johnson, T. P. Cleveland, Alfred Smith,
L. J. Sharp, J. Alexander. Elder L. J. Sharp was app. to cite the accused. The witnesses were cited to appear at the same
time & place. Session closed with prayer. T. P. Cleveland, Mod. Alfred Smith, C.S.
1868 12 Dec The Session
met & was opened with prayer by T. P. Cleveland who was requested to act as Moderator. Elders present were L. J. Sharp
& Alfred Smith, Reuben Johnson was also present as witness in the case of Josiah Johnson as the Accused. Josiah Johnson
failed to appear before Session to answer to the charge of unchristian conduct tabled against him; the Session proceeded to
make a second citation, after being satisfied that the former citation had been duly served upon him. The second citation
was the same as the first with the addition as follows. To - Josiah Johnson. You are hereby notified that if you do not
appear at the next time & place appointed in the citation which this notice accompanys. The Session besides censuring
you for contumacy will after assigning some person to manage the defence for you; proceed to take the testimony in the case,
as if you were present. Session closed with prayer. T. P. Cleveland, Mod. Alfred Smith, C.S. Alfred Smith was appointed
to sign the citation & notice in the case above. The time appointed in the 2nd citation was Wed. Decr. 28th 1868 at
11 o’clock A.M. The place was School House near Mr. Alfred Smith’s Residence.
List of male members in regular
attendance. Decr. 12th 1868. Alfred Smith - Elder & C.S. Joseph Alexander - Elder - dismissed by
letter. L. J. Sharp - Elder Josiah Johnson - Excommunicated Charles Smith - Deceased Jeremiah M. Park - dismissed
by letter
List of Female members in regular attendance. Decr. 12th 1868. 1. Elizabeth Creighton 2.
Martha Pittman 3. Ann Sharp 4. Martha Carson - Dismissed by letter 5. Rebecca Moore 6.
Lucinda Alexander - Dismissed by letter 7. Mary Creighton 8. Martha Creighton 9.
Jane Creighton 10. Elizabeth Smith 12. Mary R. Smith 13. Mary E. Moore 14. Diana Sanders 15.
Lemipa A. N. Adair 16. Josphene Matthews 17. Sarah E. Smith 18. Jane Bastick - dismissed 19.
Nancy A. Smith 20. M. A. Dailey 21. Rosa Ann Brooks
List of colored members in regular attendance.
Decr. 12th 1868. 1. Robert David 2. Abram Matthews - dismissed by letter 3. Riller Matthews - dismissed by L. 4.
Matilda Creighton - dismissed “ ” Names of Members not in regular attendance. 1. Mr. Russell
J. Parkes - joined another denomination 3. Mrs. Unicia Potts - dec. 2. Mrs. Russell J. Parks
23 Dec The Session met at the School House near the residence of Mr. Alfred Smith, & was opened by prayer
by Rev. T. P. Cleveland who was requested to act as Moderator. Present, Alfred Smith & L. J. Sharp - Elders & Reuben
Johnson, witness in the case of Josiah Johnson. The business of the Session being to investigate the case of Josiah Johnson,
accused of unchristian conduct, the matter was entered upon immediately . . . L. J. Sharp, Alfred Smith & Reuben Johnson
were then sworn, in accordance with the form in the Book of Discipline, as witnesses in the case. The Session then appointed
Elder L. J. Sharp to manage the defence of the accused. Reuben Johnson being under oath testified as follows: That about
the first of August 1867 . . . at a place near his house, Josiah Johnson used profane language. That in speaking of a tree
which he (Josiah Johnson) said he would be damned to Hell if he would not put any man in jail who would cut it down. That
he used repeatedly at that time & place similar profane expression. Mr. Johnson being interrogated by the moderator
as to the nature of the language, first then stated that he regarded it most indecent profane – a taking of God’s
name in ‘vain.’ Mr. Sharp the elder to manage the defence had no questions to ask & the witness was dismissed
. . . Alfred Smith then offered the following Resolution: That Josiah Johnson on account of his unchristian conduct and
his contumacy be suspended from all the privileges of the Church, until he give satisfactory evidence of repentance, &
that the action of the Session be announced from the Pulpit, at next regular meet at S. Creek Church. The Resolution was
adopted. Session closed with prayer. T. P. Cleveland, Mod., A. Smith, C.S. 1869 27 Jun The Session met and & opened
with prayer by F. Jacobes, Mod. who was requested to act as Mod. Elders present L. J. Sharp and A. Smith. Dismissed Jeremiah
M. Park to join the Athens Presbyterian Church. Baptized infants of Alfred & Mary H. Smith, name Thomas Cleavelang. Session
closed with prayer. F. Jacobes, Mod., A. Smith, C.S. 23 Oct The session met and was opened with prayer by Rev. F. Jacobes,
Mod., who was requested to act as Mod. Elders preasant L. J. Sharp, Joseph Alexander and Alfred Smith. Received by letter
Josaphene Mathews and Sarah C. Smith and dismissed Martha Carson to join the Presbyterian Church at Athens. Session closed
with prayer. F. Jacobes, Mod., A. Smith, C. S. 1870 27 Feb The Session met, was opened with prayer by Rev. F. Jacobes
who was requested to act as Moderator. Elders preasant L. J. Sharp, Joseph Alexander and Alfred Smith. L. J. Sharp as principel
and A. Smith, alternate to attend presbytery at Lexington. Session closed with prayer. J. Jacobes, Mod., A. Smith, C.S. 16
Apr Lexington, Geo. Approved as far as written Thos. P. Cleveland, Mod. 26 Jun The Session met, was opened with prayer
by Rev. F. Jacobs who was requested to act as Moderator. Elders L. J. Sharp and Alfred Smith. Dismissed Joseph Alexander and
Lucinda, his wife, to join the Athens Presbyterian Church. Session closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, C.S. 23 Oct The
Session met, was opened with prayer by Rev. F. Jacobs, D.D. who was requested to act as Moderator. Elders L. J. Sharp and
Alfred Smith. Alfred Smith principel and L. J. Sharp alternate to attending Synod at Macon. A collection for Forran mishon
$5.25. Session closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, C.L. 1871 15 Apr Approved at Presbytery at Eatonton, April 15, 1871.
Joseph R. Wilson. 25 Jun The Session of Sandy Creek Church met in the grove near Antioch Methodist Church. There were
present Elders L. J. Sharp and Alfred Smith, and the Moderator Rev. F. Jacobs, D.D. The Session was opened with prayer.
The following paper was offered, and was unanimously adopted. On the third of April last, our Church and Session house
were consumed by fire. It caught from a fire that was raging in the woods. It being a very windy day, it was impossible to
arrest the flames, or to save anything from the burning. By this sad calamity our people were greatly distressed and dejected;
yet, while they recognized it as having occurred under the Providence of God, for “not a sparrow falleth to the ground
without his notice” . . . The universal feeling was, “It is the Lord. Let him do as seemeth him good.” In
the midst of our affliction, much sympathy was manifested by the Community; and the brethren of the neighboring Methodist
Church, promptly, and with much fraternal kindness offered us their building for holding our worship, until another place
could be provided . . . acting in concert, we opened a subscription to ascertain what could be done towards rebuilding. The
success of the effort far exceeded our expectation. We thank God, and take courage. Now, therefore, at this our first opportunity
to hold a Sessional meeting. Resolved, that in this calamity we recognize the chastening hand of our Heavenly Father; we
acknowledge it as a deserved rebuke for our inefficiency as a Church; but we earnest pray that through great grace, it may
be made to work for our good . . . Resolved, that the measures that have been employed to procure funds for rebuilding,
receive our hearty approbation . . . The following brethren were appointed Commissioners on the building of the Church;
viz. John Colt, Daniel Matthews, Josiah Johnson, L. J. Sharpe, and Alfred Smith. Dr. Jacobs announced to the Session that
today was the last day of his service with us, as he has accepted a call to the Tallahassee Church, and was expected to be
with them before our next regular day of worship . . . Rev. Paul C. Morton be invited to become our State Supply; and that
Dr. Jacobs be requested to write to him at once . . . Closed with prayer. Ferdinand Jacobs, Mod. Alfred Smith, Clk. 1872 12
Apr Approved as far as written April 12th 1872. Augusta, Ga. C. W. Lane, Moderator. 23 Nov The Session met was opened with
prayer by Rev. P. C. Morton who was requested to act as Mod. Elders preasant L. J. Sharp and Alfred Smith. Received by letter
from the Athens Presbyterian Church Miss Nancy Angeline Smith and on Sabboth our house was dedicated by Rev. P. C. Morton
. . . Session closed with prayer. P. C. Morton, Mod., Alfred Smith, C.S. 1873 23 Feb The Session met opened with prayer.
Preasant R. W. Milner, Mod., L. J. Sharp and Alfred Smith, Elders. Received by letter Mrs. M. A. Dailey from Thyatira Presbyterian
Church. Session closed with prayer. Alfred Smith, C. S. 4 Apr Sparta, Ga. Approved as far as written. E. M. Green, Mod’r. 31
Apr Office of Sustentation, Columbia, S.C. April 31, 1873. Rev. R. W. Milner, Athens, Geo. (No date) Session met, opened
with prayer. Preasant R. W. Milner, Mod. , L. J. Sharp, Alfred Smith. [Next two lines illegible.] 1875 9 Apr Examined
at Athens April 9th 1875 and sustained. Minutes above gives no date & does not state how or whither the person was dismissed.
Henry Newton, Mod’r. . . . 1876 15 Jan Session opened with preyer preasant R. N. Smith, Mod., L. J. Sharp, Alfred
Smith, Elders. Rec. by letter Milton Creighton and Mrs. J. J. Creighton. A church meeting was held and Mr. Milton Creighton
was elected to office of Ruling Elder in said church he being ordained before Session closed with prayer. R. N. Smith, Mod.
Alfred Smith. 16 Jan A collection for Sustentation Rec. four dollars. 19 Mar Assesment for Seminary Three dollars. 16
Apr Commissioners Two Dollars 13 May Examined & Approved in Prebytery at Eatonton Ga. May 13th 1876. Grover K. Cartledge,
Moderator of Augusta Presbytery. 15 Oct A collection for Education Rec.
1877 8 Oct Session met and was opened
with Prayer by Rev. Dr. Lane. Elders present L. J. Sharp and Milton Creighton. John W. Creighton & James B. Creighton,
presented themselves and applied for church membership – who on examination were received. There being no farther
business the Session was closed with [prayer] by Moderator. Milton Creighton, C.S. Pro tem. 12 Sep Died Sept. 12th 1877
Alfred Smith, Ruling Elder and Clerk of Session of Sandy Creek Ch. Milton Creighton was appointed Clerk of Session Jany. 1878. 1878 10
Jan Rev. Robt. N. Smith served this Church as supply, from May 1875 to March 1877 since which time Dr. P. Lumpkin & J.
O. Gaily have served the church. Jany. 10th 1878. Milton Creighton, C.S. 16 Feb Saturday morning – Session met and
was opened with Prayer by Rev. Dr. Lane. Elders present L. J. Sharp and Milton Creighton. Mrs. Rosa Anna Brooks presented
herself and applied for membership and on examination by session was received and her name enrolled. There being no other
business, Session was closed with prayer by moderator. C. W. Lane, D.D. 17 Feb Sunday morning 17th. Preaching by Rev. Mr.
P. Herd. The Lord’s supper administered. Collection taken up for domestic missions - $3.60. By order of session. Milton
Creighton, C.S. 11 Apr Examined and approved in Presbytery at Penfield[?]. C. W. Lane, D.D.
List of Members in 1878.
Members 1. L. J. Sharpe, Ruling Elder - Dead 4. J. B. Creighton 2. Milton Creighton. Elder
- Dead 5. W. R. Smith - Dead 3. J. W. Creighton, Elder
Females 1. Elizabeth
Creighton 2. Martha Pittman - Dead 3. Anna Sharp - Dead 4. Rebecca Moore - Dead 5. Mary
Creighton 6. Jane Creighton 7. Martha Creighton 8. Martha Matthews 9. Mary R. Smith 10.
Mary E. Moore 11. Diana Sanders - Dead 12. Josaphene Matthews 13. Nancy A. Smith - Joined another
Church. 14. M. A. Daily 15. Sarah S. Creighton - Dismissed 16. Rosa A. Brooks 17. Martha
14 Sep Session met at the house of Elder Creighton. Present C. W. Lane, D.D. - Elders Sharp & Creighton.
Opened with prayer by the Moderator C. W. Lane. The following paper was adopted whereas the meeting of session was to have
been held at the church this morning – but was prevented by the absence of Elder Creighton from ill health. And whereas
Wm. Reede Smith was examined by Rev. C. W. Lane & Elder Sharp at the church this morning, for admitance to full membership
in the church. Said examination being satisfactory. Resolved that Wm. Reede Smith be fully admited to the prevaleges of church
membership and his name be enrolled on the Church Book. Closed with the Benediction. Milton Creighton, C.S. 15 Sep Session
met at 10 o’clock. Present Rev. John Morton Moderator & Elders Sharp and Creighton. Opened with prayer by moderator.
Miss Martha Smith presented herself before the session asking admition to the Church and on being satisfied of her conversion
and exercise of faith, she was admited to full membership and her name ordered to be enrolled on our records. Session closed
with Prayer. Milton Creighton, C.S. 3 Oct Died Oct 3d 1878 Milton Creighton Ruling Elder and Clerk of the Ses. 17 Nov
Meeting of the Church was called to elect J. W. Creighton Ruling Elder who was ordained Nov. 30. Rev. C. W. Lane, D.D. presiding. 20
Nov Died Nov. 20th 1878 L. J. Sharp, Ruling Elder . . .
1880 23 May Session met and was opened with prayer by Rev.
Henry Newton. J. M. Mathews and P. E. Mathews were received by letter from Danielsville Church. Also were received as new
communicating members: Millard F. Mathews, Phineas F. Mathews, John W. Mathews. Henry Newton, J. W. Creighton. 1883 20
Apr The Athens Presbytery assembled in Lexington to call attention of the Church Session of Sandy Creek Church to the necessity
of naming the constituent members in recording sessional meetings in order that the authority of such meetings may appear
in the records thereof. With this exception the records are approved as far as written. C. W. Lane, Moderator. 1884 24
May J. M. Matthews was selected ruling elder and ordained June 2d. Rev. Henry Hoyt presiding. 27 July Session met
& was opened with prayer by Rev. Henry Hoyt, Presiding Elders Matthews and Creighton, J. M. Matthews was appointed delegate
& J. W. Creighton alternate to presbytery. J. M. Matthews was made Clerk of Session. Session closed with prayer
by Mod. J. W. Creighton, acting Clk.
List of Members 1884. John W. Creighton - R. Elder James B.Creighton Elizabeth
Creighton Mary Creighton Jane Creighton Martha Creighton Elizabeth Smith Mary K. Smith Martha Smith Mary
E. Matthews M. A. Duley(?) Rosa A. Brooks Josephine Matthews Martha Matthews Parmelia E. Matthews
In 1885 were received Dr. W. W. Rich Mrs. W. W. Rich Annette Rich
Non Continuing(?) Members 1884: Milton
F. Matthews, Phineas F. Matthews, John W. Matthews, Robert Edmond Matthews. 1885 22 Feb At a session of Sandy Creek
Church on this day, Rev. H. H. Hoyd moderator. The letter of Dr. W. W. Rich, Mrs. W. W. Rich and Annette Rich dismissing
them from Mispah Church to Sandy Creek Church was received . . . J. M. Matthews, Clk. of Session. 26 Feb The officers and
members of Sandy Creek Church will ever hold in gratefull rememberance Mr. Cicero H. Chandler of Clark County whose patriotick
and publick spirit . . . to make a present and donate to this Church a lot of ground at Center Depot NERR for the purpose
of erecting a building on the same for publick worship and the Session of Sandy Creek Church takes this method of tendering
to Mr. Chandler their thanks for his munificent and liberal donation of said lot of ground. 23 Apr Examined and approved
in Presbytery at Athens April 28, 1885. L. A. Simpson, Mod. 27 Sep At a meeting of the Session this day held, Rev.
H. H. Hoyt, Pastor presiding as Moderator, the letter of Mrs. R. E. McBride dismissing her from New Hope Church Presbytery
of SC to unite with Sandy Creek Church was duly presented . . . recieved as a member . . . J. M. Matthews, Clerk of Session. 1886 Apr
H. G. Gibson died in the year April 1886. 18 Sep Session opened with prayer . . . Rev. J. L. Stevens Moderator. Mr.
Samuel A. Link and Mrs. Emma Link having presented their Letters of dismission from Hopewell Church, SC, to Sandy Creek Church.
It is ordered by the Session that their names be enrolled as members of Sandy Creek Church. J. M. Matthews, Secretary
of Session. 18 Sep Sunday morning . . . After examination and satisfactory evidence of their experience, Mr. Millard F.
Matthews, Miss Mary D. Smith, Miss M. A. Daley, and Mrs. Ema Creighton were received as members . . . J. M. Matthews, Secretary
of Session. Martha G. Link the infant daughter of Samuel A. and Mrs. Emma Link received the Ordinance of Baptism and Clazie(?)
Creighton, daughter, and [blank] Creighton, children of Dan(?) and Mrs. Ema Creighton received the Ordinance of Baptism .
. . J. M. Matthews, Secretary of Session. Charles A. Matthews and Phineas Matthews presented themselves to the Session
as applicants for membership . . . they were admitted into the church . . .
List of Members of Sandy Creek Church on
September 22, 1886. John W. Creighton - Elder John M. Matthews - Dead James B. Creighton - joined another communion Elizabeth
Creighton - Dead Mickey(?) Creighton - Dead Jane F. Creighton Mrs. Martha Durham - Dead Elizabeth Smith - Died
in July 1887 Mary K. Smith - Dead [Illegible] Smith Mrs. Mary E. Matthews - Dead Miss M. A. Daley - Dismissed
to sister church Mrs. Rosa A. Brooks - Dismissed to sister church Mrs. Josephine Matthews - “
” “ Miss Martha Matthews Mrs. Parmelia E. Matthews - Dismissed to Athens Church Dr.
W. W. Rich - Dismissed to Center Church Mrs. W. W. Rich - Dismissed to Center Church Miss Arnetta Rich - Dismissed to
Center Church Mr. Samuel A. Link - Dismissed to Center Church Mrs. Ema Link - Dismissed to Center Church Millard
F. Matthews Miss Mary D. Smith Miss M. A. Daley - Dismissed to Center Church Mrs. Ema Creighton Charles A. Matthews Phineas
F. Matthews - Joined Baptists
22 Sep The following is a list of the Baptized Children of Sandy Creek Church. John
W. Matthews Robert E. Matthews Susan F. Link Martha G. Link Clara Creighton Mary Alice Creighton Fanny Lenora
Mrs. S. S. Creighton, a member of Sandy Creek Church, having resided for more than one year within the
bounds of Athens Church, is dismissed from the former church to join the latter. Rev. Henry Hoyt, Mod. J. S. Creighton,
C.S. 1887 24 Aug Session met and constituted by prayer. Rev. J. L. Stevens Moderator. A. C. Smith presented
himself to the Session as applicant for membership . . . the applicant was received as a member . . . Session constituted
by prayer. Rev. J. L. Stevens Moderator. Harrison Brooks presented himself as applicant for membership . . . received
as a member and his name ordered to be enrolled on list of members. J. M. Matthews, Clerk of Session. 25 Aug List of Members
of Sandy Creek Church.
John W. Creighton - R. Elder John M. Matthews - Dead James B. Creighton - Removed [Illegible]
Creighton -Died November 1887 [Illegible] - Died Oct. 1887 Jane F. Creighton Mrs. Martha Durham Mary K. Smith Martha
Smith Mrs. Mary E. Matthews Mrs. M. A. Daley Mrs. Josephine Matthews Miss Martha Matthews Mrs. Parmelia E.
Matthews Dr. W. W. Rich Mrs. W. W. Rich Miss Arnetta Rich - Married Jan 1888 Foster Daniel
- Died Mrs. R. E. McBridge Samuel A. Link Mrs. Ema Link Millard F. Matthews Miss Mary D. Smith Miss M. A.
Daley Mrs. Ema Creighton Charles A. Matthews Phineas F. Matthews - Joined Baptists Miss Effy C. Matthews - Married Mr.
A. C. Smith Harrison Brooks - Removed R. M. Davis - by letter from Mount Harmon Removed
1888 18
Feb Sandy Creek Church. The Session of the church was constituted with prayer Rev. J. L. Stevens presiding. The
letter of Mr. R. M. Davis dismissing him from Mount Harmon Church was received and considered . . . added to the roll of members.
J. M. Mathews, Clerk of Session. 20 Apr Approved as far as written in Pres. at Harmony Grove Apr 20th 1888. 1894 16
Sep Roll of Sandy Creek Church Members on 16 September 1894
Jno. W. Creighton, R.E. Thos. M. Daniel Saml. A.
Link - D. Millard F. Matthews Robt. E. Matthews Alonzo Church Smith Henry D. Banks Miss Martha Matthews Miss
Jane Creighton Mrs. Martha Durham [Illegible] Miss [Illegible] O’Kelly Mrs. Parmelia Matthews Mrs. Minnie
Duncan Mrs. Emma Link Mrs. Fannie Banks Miss Martha(?) Banks Miss Artemisia Adair Mrs. V.(?) Weir Mrs. Emma
Creighton Mrs. Mary E. Matthews
19 Aug After preaching a congregational meeting . . . selection fell upon Elder
T. M. Daniel who was thereupon installed Ruling Elder in this church. Then the church session met – instantly
– present Rev. Jno. L. Cartledge Moderator and Elders John W. Creighton and T. M. Daniel. Thereupon Elders Creighton
and Daniel were appointed delegates, principal and alternate, to the session of Athens Presbytery in Jefferson on 5th Sept.
1894. Elder T. M. Daniel was appointed Clerk of the Church Session. Prayer by the Moderator was had and the church
session then adjourned. T. M. Daniel, Clk. 2 Oct A collection had resulted in a contribution by the church of $1.62
for foreign missions, handed Rev. Jno. L. Cartledge. T. M. Daniel, Clk. S. 1895 17 Mar After preaching the church
session met in special meeting – present Rev. John L. Cartledge Moderator and Elders John W. Creighton and T. M. Daniel. Meeting
of the session was organized with prayer by the Moderator, who afterwards called attention to the propriety of electing a
delegate to the assembling of Athens Presbytery in Athens 12th April next . . . John W. Creighton was selected as principal
delegate, and Elder T. M. Daniel selected alternate delegate to such convention of the Presbytery. Session then adjourned
with prayer. 17th March 1895. T. M. Daniel, Clk. 13 Apr Examined & approved in Presbytery, Athens, Ga.,
Apr. 13, 1895. J. B. Estes, Mod. 1896 15 Mar Sandy Creek Meeting House, Jackson Co. The church session met
after preaching upon the call of Rev. John L. Cartledge, Moderator. Present besides the moderator Elders John W. Creighton
and T. M. Daniel. The meeting was opened by prayer of the Moderator and upon motion Elder Creighton was elected principle
delegate and Elder Daniel alternate delegate to the meeting of Athens Presbytery at 7 o’clock on 15th April proximo. Without
further business the meeting of session adjourned with prayer by the moderator. T. M. Daniel, Clk. 16 Apr Examined
& approved in Pres. Athens April 16th, 1896. Henry Newton, Modr. 19 Jul At Sandy Creek Bethesda Meeting House
on 19th day third Sunday in July 1896 the church session met immediately after preaching service. Present Rev. Jno.
L. Cartledge, Moderator, and Elders, John W. Creighton and T. M. Daniel. The sessional court opened with prayer by the
Moderator. Then was presented to the session a verbal request from brother Samuel A. Link and his wife sister Emma Link
for letter of Dismission from Sandy Creek Church commending them to the membership of Centre Church or of another church of
similar orthodoxy. Upon motion said request was granted. Said letter was ordered to issue. Session then
held prayer and adjourned. T. M. Daniel, Clk. of Session. 18 Oct The elders met in church session immediately after
preaching – present Rev. Jno. L. Cartledge, Moderator, and Elder John W. Creighton. After the formal organization
of the church court a motion was made to grant brother Elder T. M. Daniel a letter of dismissal at his own request from this
congregation to another like collection of Christian disciples. Such motion prevailed and session adjourned with prayer
by the bother moderator. J. W. Creighton, C.S. pro tem. 1899 __ Sep Center, GA. Session of Sandy Creek Church
met at house of Mrs. Martha Durham and was opened with prayer by Rev. J. L. Cartledge. Present J. W. Creighton, sole
Ruling Elder. Fannie L. Creighton and Anna Pearl Creighton made application for membership, and after being duly examined
were received into full fellowship. Closed with prayer. J. L. Cartledge, Mod., J. W. Creighton, C.S. 1906 1
Jan Membership of Sandy Creek Church Jan 1st. Males: J. W. Creighton (R.E.), M. F. Matthews (dead). Females: Miss
Martha Matthews, Miss Jane Creighton (dead), Mrs. Artemissia Weir (dismissed), Mrs. Emma Creighton, Fannie L. Creighton, Anna
Pearl Creighton, Mrs. Effie Carson (removed), Louise Creighton. Non-communicating members: Robert E. Creighton, Louise
L. Creighton, Emily E. Creighton, Grace D. Creighton, Sarah A. Creighton. 27 Aug A congregational meeting of Sandy Creek
Presbyterian having been duly called and met, J. W. Creighton was elected Trustee of church property, and authorized to convey
titles to the churches property located in center to the Board of Education of Jackson county, and to sell a portion of the
land occupied by Sandy Creek Church and apply the proceeds of sale to the erection of fence around the cemetery on said lot.
J. W. Creighton, Clk. R. W. Abraham, Mod.
(This concludes the Minutes of the Sandy Creek Presbyterian Church.)